🎀 Running a Technical Test/Rehearsal
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  3. 🎀 Running a Technical Test/Rehearsal

Testing a Live Stream Event

This article will take you through best practice when testing the configuration of a Live Stream Event

Once you have created your Live Stream event within your WorkCast account (including adding the stream to the media section) and have set up any physical onsite hardware you'll want to do a Test Stream.

Recommendation: Lock auditorium. 

The reason for this is when connected, the stream will show through to the auditorium which can be accessed by an attendee at any time once they’ve registered.  

To do this, locate the event within your WorkCast account and launch the WorkCast Studio via the Launch button. 

Open the EVENT INTERACTIONS Pod from the Pod Menu by clicking the toggle icon and Toggle the Event Interactions pod into view and click the + then press LOCK EVENT. Also, copy the Lock Bypass Key.


To view the stream open the Event Auditorium using the URL on the main setup page and use the Lock Bypass Key to gain access to the Locked event.

Test the Stream

Start the stream in your encoder and stream some test pictures and audio.


Now you can check the pictures and audio of the streams. 


Please note the video stream isn't seen directly in the Presenter Studio hence why you view it via the audience Auditorium page. If your event is configured to have Ask a Question or Auadince Chat you will need to have these pods open to allow speakers and Moderators to view and respond to audience questions.

For the Live event, the media that is broadcasted will automatically be recorded and saved into the WorkCast platform, however as a back up we would always recommend saving locally as well. 

You can still add polls however the polls are connected to the unique media in the WorkCast platform.

If you wish to push out different polls against different events running on the same day please speak with your account manager or reach out to support@workcast.com