HubSpot Integration

Use a HubSpot Registration Page

Pull your registrations through from a HubSpot Form to your WorkCast event

  • Control over your data - added on an event-by-event basis
  • Easy to setup - use new or existing HubSpot Forms 
  • WorkCast reporting - registration data combines with attendee data to give a full picture of your event engagement

HubSpot Registration Forms

Standard HubSpot form functionality can be used to create Registration Forms that feed both the HubSpot Platform and the WorkCast Platform.

HubSpot Registration forms can be used to push registration data into the WorkCast Platform. This is done by means of a Webhook through an HTML POST to the WorkCast HubSpot Data Usher interface. This interface is specific to HubSpot. Its purpose is to transform the standard JSON formatted Contact data into a form that the WorkCast Data Usher can then process.

Step 1 - Create a Form to add to your landing page

This is a registration form that clients will fill out on your HubSpot landing page and submit it in order to register for WorkCast Event Sessions.

IMPORTANT: You MUST follow the steps exactly and ensure the form has ALL the required elements WorkCast needs. You can modify an already created form within your HubSpot account if you wish to use that.

First, create a new HubSpot Form from the Contacts Menu

HUbspot form 1-1

After giving it a suitable name, a basic form will be created containing the minimum required fields and a Submit button. Any required or additional fields can be added or amended using this screen.

Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 09.54.35

Step 2 - Create three additional hidden form fields as below:

The WorkCast Hubspot Data Usher Interface requires the creation of the following 3 fields on the form (Redirect Success, Redirect Failure, and Data type):

Label Internal Name Default Value
Redirect Success wrk_redirectsuccess
Redirect Failure wrk_redirectfailure
Data Type wrk_datatype dcdcfr


To add the above-hidden form fields please see the instructions below.

Click on Create New which launches a popup.

Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 10.10.40Within the popup for each of the three hidden fields ensure you add the exact required Label name and Internal Name from the table above.


Add the Default value using the exact URL in the table above. You will need to repeat this for all three hidden fields. Ensure you tick Make this field hidden.


Step 3 - Ensure your form includes the following three standard fields

  • firstname
  • lastname
  • email

Landing Page

Step 1 - Ensure you add the correct form to your landing page

This is the landing page where the registration form we have created will be added too and used to promote the event.

Please choose a template that best suits your needs or create your own template using the HubSpot Design Manager. Ensure that the Template used either contains a Form Module or that you add one. Within the landing page select and add the Form created/used in the previous section.



The Workflow is set up to link the actions of filling out a registration form with the firing of a Webhook. This Webhook pushes the registration to the correct event within the WorkCast platform.

Step 1 - Create a new Workflow from the Contacts Menu

This should be created as a standard Contact-based workflow and you can name this accordingly.


Next, select Set enrollment triggers and choose Form submission. Then ensure you select the form added to your landing page from the dropdown. Then select that the landing page that the form has been added to. Save your changes.


Now click Add an action and select Trigger a webhook.


Details to add are listed below:


Use Authentication = No

IMPORTANT: The meid (Managed Event Id) and pak (Public Access Code) values shown in the example URL below can be found in the 'Session Setup & Studio Access' section of your event in the WorkCast Platform by clicking the 'i' icon. You need to ensure these values relate to your created WorkCast event. These numbers are unique and will change per event. 

Ensure that the Workflow is saved and that it is made Active.

Once published, anyone that fills out the HubSpot Registration Form will have their registration data pushed to the WorkCast platform and registered for the relevant event. You should test after submitting the registration form to ensure your registration has been passed to the WorkCast Platform. You can do this by navigating to your event in the WorkCast platform and clicking Event Report. Here you should see the registrations number increase after submitting your HubSpot Registration form.

If you want to integrate your registration and attendance data from WorkCast to HubSpot, click here.