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How to upload media to your WorkCast Account

What is Media? 

Media is a term we, here at WorkCast, use for recorded mp4 videos. These can be used for playback in the Interactive studio or to attach to Simulive or On demand events.

WorkCast Media requirements

The WorkCast Platform accepts .mp4 file formatting for upload only. For this to be successfully uploaded and used within the platform please use the following settings.

  • Video no more than 750 mbps
  • mp4 h.264 using profile "Baseline"
  • Video frame rate 25 (FPS)
  • Audio no more than 128kbps
  • AAC audio profile
  • Audio Sample Rate 44100/48000
  • Bitrate of 1.3mpbs
  • MP4 must be more than 1 minute in length but no longer than 3 hours in length

Files up to 2GB can be uploaded into the WorkCast Platform. If your file is larger than this, please seek assistance from support@workcast.com.

How to upload media to your WorkCast Account

Navigate into the Media tab of your account and select upload media

A pop up will appear on your screen. Here you should: 

  1. Give your file a title - this can be any title you'd like and will display in the Media tab list. 

  2. Click the "browse files" hyperlink to select the .mp4 or .pptx file you'd like to upload to your account. 

Once the above is completed click the Orange Upload button. 

You can now see the progress of your upload under the file thumbnail. 

Once the upload has completed you will see the below message: 

To close the pop up click the X. 

Your page will reload showing you the Media tab with a list of media available in your account.

Please note: The media you have uploaded may take up to 5 minutes to show to the top of the list. 

Your media is now available in the account ready to attach to your Simulive / On demand event or playback in the interactive studio.