Exciting Update: Cloud Share, a new way to share slides and video in the Interactive Studio!
Quick Links
Using Cloud Share - Slides during your live event
Using Cloud Share - Video during your live event
What is Cloud Share?
Cloud Share is our new feature in the Interactive Studio which allows you to share slides and video all from one place and allows all users within the studio to control these!
Your slides and video need to be uploaded into your account first. Once uploaded, you can easily select the slides and video within the pod and these can be controlled by all users within the Interactive Studio.
To get started, please see our PDF requirements and MP4 requirements before uploading your slides and media into your account.
Lock Control
Not wanting your presenters to have control of the slides and video? Producer users have access to a Lock control feature located at the top of the pod. This allows Producers to lock the pod so that the ability to select/advance/change slides as well as select/start/stop video is unavailable for presenters.
Simply click the check box next to Lock control and this will disable the controls for the presenters.
This is how the Cloud Share pod will look for Presenters when the Lock control has been activated:
The Lock control feature is only available for Producers. Presenters are unable to see this option within the Cloud Share pod.
Using Cloud Share - Slides during your live event
Now the slides are uploaded into the cloud database they can be accessed and used on your live event.
Login to the WorkCast Interactive Studio. Here you will see the Cloud Share pod open and activated (If you don't see the pod please activate the pod from the Pod Options menu). Within the pod you will see two tabs, Slides and Video.
In the Cloud Share pod, click into the slides tab and click Attach Slides.
Here you will see all available PDF files within your account.
Locate the file you'd like to use and click Select.
Please note if you do not see the Select option you may need to resize the cloud share pod by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the pod.
The pod will then load the PDF and all users within the studio with the Cloud Share pod activated will see them.
To share your slides in the My Connections pod and to attendees click the Share option.
The slides will now become visible in the My Connections pod main window and will display to attendees during the live broadcast.
1. To stop sharing slides click the Stop button. The slides will disappear from the My Connections pod immediately.
2. To change the PDF file selected click Change button. The media library with all available files will reappear ready for a new file to be selected.
(Please note when you select a new file, the slides will disappear from My Connections until you click Share on the new slide deck. )
3. To navigate through the slides any user within the studio can click the NEXT or PREV options. You can also click on the slide thumbnail images if you'd prefer.
Important note:
When sharing pre-recorded content using the Share Video option, the video will automatically take over the main window. To return to your slides, simply select Stop Video and your slides will reappear.
Using Cloud Share - Video during your live event
Want to showcase a recorded demo or a pre-recorded presentation while keeping live elements in your event? No problem! Our Cloud Share pod has you covered allowing you to share pre-recorded content for a dynamic and engaging experience.
Once your MP4 media has been uploaded into your account, it can then be accessed via Cloud Share and used on your live event.
Login to the WorkCast Interactive Studio. Here you will see the Cloud Share pod open and activated (If you don't see the pod please activate the pod from the Pod Options menu). Within the pod you will see two tabs, Slides and Video.
In the Cloud Share pod, click into the Video tab and click Attach Video.
Here you will see all available media files within your account.
Locate the file you'd like to use and click Select.
Please note if you do not see the Select option you may need to resize the cloud share pod by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the pod.
The pod will then load the video and all users within the studio with the Cloud Share pod activated will see this.
To share your video in the My Connections pod and to attendees click the Share option.
The video will start playing in the My Connections pod main window and will display to attendees during the live broadcast.
Important note:
All users within the studio will automatically be muted to prevent any background noise. Please advise your presenters they will need to Unmute to speak.
While the video is playing, you will see the following options:
1. This is the countdown time measured in hours : minutes : seconds against the duration time of the video.
2. To stop sharing the video click the Stop button. The video will disappear from the My Connections pod immediately.
3. To change the video file selected click Change button. The media library with all available files will reappear ready for a new file to be selected.
(Please note when you select a new file, the video will disappear from My Connections until you click Share on the new video file. )
When the stop button is pressed, the video will disappear from the My connections pod and you will see the following buttons:
1. This shows the time in which the video was stopped. To resume playing the video from that time, click Share from XX:XX:XX.
2. To share the video again from the beginning, click Share from start.