Step 4. Add-Ons

What Widgets can you Integrate into your Virtual Event

As part of our WorkCast’s integrations, our online event platform allows you to customize your event by embedding widgets or third-party apps directly into your registration form or online event auditorium.

Using widgets as part of your webinar or online event can encourage increased engagement with attendees, offer valuable insights, and make a traditional webinar much more interactive. But, first things first...

What is a Widget?

A widget is a broad term that refers to either any graphical user interface (GUI) element or a small software application that displays information or provides a specific way for users to interact with it.

There are several types of widgets and they can be as simple as a button, scroll bar, dialog box, toggle buttons, social media feed, and more. However, you can get more sophisticated widgets, like a search box, map, clock, or unit converter - so the type of widgets you use depends on your specific needs and goals. 

Most operating systems include a set of ready-to-use widgets that programmers can incorporate into an application, which is often as simple as copying and pasting some text/code into the body of your website. But, new widgets can also be created.

Which Widgets Work with WorkCast?

The WorkCast platform integrates with custom widgets, like your social media feeds, tag management solutions, video, Q&A and polling apps, and more. 

Custom widgets allow event admins and presenters to integrate with external systems and bring information from these systems into the WorkCast platform. These widgets can easily be copied and pasted into your registration page or auditorium and work like a small application that you can use to enhance the event experience.

WorkCast currently integrates with the following widgets:

  • This polling and Q&A application allows users to rank questions and display polling results
  • EventMobi: Create image links for presenters and sponsors, event countdowns, Google Maps, event agenda or schedule, and Gamification challenges 
  • Vimeo: This widget enables you to embed montage or trailer videos on your registration pages and pulls video analytics directly from your account 
  • Juicer: Aggregate all of your brands' hashtag and social media posts into a single, beautiful social media feed in your auditorium
  • Google Tag Manager: Event tracking on your registration page or auditorium
  • Twitter: display all of your brands’ hashtags and Tweets in a live feed in your auditorium
  • Meeting Pulse: facilitate two-way interactions by displaying polling results, Q&A, surveys, quizzes, the β€œpulse” (the feel) of the room, and more
  • LinkedIn: create profile share buttons, follow buttons, and more

Speak with your Onboarding Coordinator to ensure your required Widgets can be added to your Master Virtual Event Template 

However, if you have any other platforms you wish to integrate with, then you can speak to one of our experts.