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Captions: Custom Vocab

Custom Vocab allows you to create a tailored language model for your brand, ensuring that specific terms, product names, acronyms, and industry jargon are always accurately captured in your on-demand captions.

All Business Pro/Enterprise customers have the advantage of using our new Custom Vocab feature to continue to make their captions even better going forward.
Our on-demand captions are generated with the most advanced automatic speech recognition software, but with brand names or industry jargon you may see some words spelt incorrectly. To help improve your captions specific words about your content can be added. The software can then refer to these in future for any newly generated captions to help make your generated captions even better in future. 

You can submit your vocabulary by contacting our support team for further instructions and currently have a limit of 20 words to add.

Note that all vocabulary submissions will be reviewed by our team, please allow 2-5 business days for this prior to confirmation.